On Thursday, July 23, 1987, a group of twelve interested people met to consider forming a new writers group. After a brief discussion, all present were in agreement that a new group would be well received by local authors and that it should be a chapter of the national organization, Romance Writers of America. The first meeting was held in the French Room of the Crystal Palace Pizza Restaurant in August, and dues were set at $12/year. In the November newsletter that year, "The Rogue" as it was called then, featured an article about "Word Processing for Paupers" that included the line: "Word processing is a miracle. You can CHANGE things WITHOUT STARTING OVER."
DARA has changed a lot since 1987 -- what would those charter members think about a year and a half of meeting online? But our core goals haven't. As our first president wrote: There was a desire to create a convenient, professional organization for published and aspiring writers to gather, to learn, to get and give support. That's why DARA is still together all these years later.